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Nikki Wyatt - The Karma Coach
as featured in Soul and Spirit Magazine
'helping you express your essence'

Writer, Vibrational Energy Expert,
Flower and Crystal Essence Practitioner

Coaching Vision

My aim is to put you in touch with your inner wisdom and power, helping you reconnect with love and intimacy. Ultimately most of us want happiness, fulfilment and abundance; whether that's more love, money, better quality relationships or more meaningful work. Everything I offer from the field of vibrational medicine, including flower, crystal, animal, bird and butterfly essences, are potent catalysts for removing blocks to experiencing these things in your life. For me life's greatest gift has been connecting to the love and support of spirit and the healing power of nature. Everything I offer is designed to bring this gift to you as abundantly as possible.

'Nikki has been an invaluable source of support in helping me to deal with all areas of my life, from work issues to personal relationships. Her method is holistic, supportive and deeply understanding and the essences are a superb back up to everything.' Dan, Journalist

Areas of Expertise

I have worked successfully with clients on many issues and goals including:

  • being able to give up an unfulfilling job that was draining energy and affecting physical wellbeing
  • rekindling a creative spark and a source of joy to the point of being able to come off anti-depressants
  • taking concrete steps to create a more fulfilling work life doing something more satisfying and flexible
  • writing a book - which has become a series and will shortly become a film
  • leaving a relationship that was past its grow-by date
  • recognising addictive behaviour and being able to face the source of it
  • redrawing boundaries in a co-dependent relationship
  • finding the courage to apply for a new work role - and getting it:)
  • being able to socialise again after developing anxiety in lockdown
  • getting back to dating after a long spell being single
  • putting more fun and pleasure back into life
  • releasing the repetition of ancestral karma
  • feeling freer and lighter and finding decision-making easier
  • developing new constructive habits and practices
  • making new friends and developing interests
Read their comments here.

'I truly believe you are a 'Healer's Healer' and a great support system for those willing to look beyond their own perception.'
B.P. Counsellor and Healer

Releasing Karma and Conditioning and Connecting to Guidance

positive womanFrom my professional training as a healer and a complementary health practitioner as well as my own experience, I feel that we come into this life with many ancestral and karmic memories in our cells and our DNA which is then compounded by childhood experiences. When these memories are triggered, usually unconsciously, they can cause us to develop physical and emotional responses and behaviour patterns which are often unhelpful, can seem irrational and are sometimes very painful.

In all healing work with clients, my aim is to help you acknowledge, understand and release these deep processes to allow a lighter, freer way of being so that you're more in the flow of life. Consultations aim to bring a greater understanding of how universal and karmic dynamics and childhood conditioning are affecting you so that you can create an inner life which is reflected in a happier and more peaceful external reality and you feel more confident in connecting to your inner wisdom and following its promptings.

'Thank you for helping to transform my life! I find it hard to comprehend the changes that have happened in such a short time and to look back only a few months at a me that was unable to cope and overcome with emotion and doubt.'
L.S. Mother

Click for an article on ancestral patterns and how they may affect you

Qualifications in Complementary Therapy

I am a graduate of the College of Vibrational Medicine which is affiliated to the Institute for Complementary and Natural Medicine (ICNM - once the pre-eminent organisation for accrediting alternative and complementary training courses and maintaining standards) This enables me to prescribe Flower and Crystal Essences and I'm a qualified as an Advanced Level Gaia Energy Healer trained by the Academy of Eternal Light.

I trained at The Findhorn Foundation as a Transformation Game Facilitator which gives an excellent foundation in understanding Universal Laws.

I'm also a licensed practitioner of Past Life Regression & Future Life Progression and a member of the Past and Future Life Society.

'I really like the way we can move together, in and out of serious and fun without trivialising what we're talking about. I heard you listening between the lines.'  A. C. Writer, Scotland

Personal Background

Since transitioning from the corporate world in 1998 my own path includes experience of many complementary therapies such as Psychotherapy, Osteopathy, Homeopathy, Past Life Therapy, Nutritional Therapy, Family Constellation work, the Hoffman Process, Alexander Technique, Cranio Sacral therapy, Hypnotherapy, McTimoney Chiropractic, Spiritual Response Therapy, Shiatsu, Trauma Release Exercises, Soul Retrieval, Brainspotting and Five Element Acupuncture.

The last eighteen years includes a year spent at the Institute for Optimum Nutrition whilst studying at the College of Psychic Studies, after which I moved to Sussex and began work at the Hoffman Institute: an international organisation dedicated to healing childhood conditioning.

I've also attended several courses at The Findhorn Foundation, an international spiritual community in Scotland and Enneagram workshops which I've found very helpful in my coaching practcice.

Read Nikki's Story - My Leap of Faith

'Thanks again Nikki for your incredibly wise and loving support and for all the notes and information that you sent along with the essences . they were really helpful, and very caring!'
S.M. Business Consultant

Additional Skills and Interests

woman dancingI love to sing and dance and can often be found in local singing groups. I also celebrate life in dance classes around Sussex including 5 rhythms and Boogie Woogie. In quieter moments Qi Gong. meditation and walking across the glorious Sussex countryside photographing nature are my favourite ways to switch from transmit to receive.

As a graduate in modern languages I've lived for long periods in several European countries and speak fluent Italian, French and excellent German.

I've also worked as a voiceover artist and am an independent distributor of living, energised water systems and other wellness products which have supported my own journey back to physical health - mainly due to the reduction in environmental stress which they facilitate.


Preferred Media and Modes of Delivery

I love radio and have been interviewed by several Radio Shows including Radio Europe, Spirit Quest Radio and Radio Reverb. You can listen to extracts here.

I also enjoy writing and have several articles published on the Transformation Game, Flower Essences and Personal Growth covering themes from life purpose and heartbreak to addiction and co-dependency. I write once a month for Soul & Spirit magazine and am happy to be a guest blogger.

I offer talks and workshops to interested groups; whether that's a group of friends, colleagues or a special interest group who would like to develop a deeper understanding of essences and to personally experience their power.

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'Come to the edge, he said.
They said: We are afraid.
Come to the edge, he said.
They came.
He pushed them....and they flew.'
Christopher Logue

The Transformation Game is a registered trademark ®1986-2004 Joy Drake and Kathy Tyler, InnerLinks,Inc. All rights reserved