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Treating Causes not Symptoms - Check Your Karma

Are your family ties a bind?

I was recently asked which essences I'd blend for depression or thyroid problems. This is however, treating symptomsnot cause, so it's an approach that's only appropriate in conventional, not vibrational, medicine. Five people with the same illnessare five unique individuals, each with their own family history; each at a different point of readiness to let goof whatever is in the way of their healing. I'd probably be guided to five different essenceblends, healing and karmic exercises. There are literally thousands of essences whichtreat depression and thyroid problems for example; knowing which of them is right for you at thistime needs a deep level of connection, knowledge and experience.

Journeying Together

It's also possible that the cause of your illness isn't clear to you because it's overlaid withsomething else which needs to be tackled first - we're all masters at creating distractionsfrom our real pain, especially unresolved memories that we have suppressed. This is precisely the kind of detective work I've trained in and which Ilove to do; to come on a journey with you so that we can understand together what lies atthe root of the problem.

The Language of Illness

Your illness or symptom is trying to communicate something to you. It's asking you to give it attention, tolisten and to make whatever change is necessary to bring balance back so that love and vitality can flowfreely through you again - both to yourself and those around you.

An Explosive Solution!

To give you an example, I had an elderly lady consult with me who wanted to resolve some difficult dynamicsbetween herself and her sister. She was desperate to find peace with the relationship and felt time was nolonger on her side. She'd just had a fall and, as I was giving her healing towards the end of the session, I feltthat this fall was trying to jolt her memory. I asked if she'd had any significant falls in the past but shecouldn't remember any - I had to speak up as she was quite deaf (I had assumed this was due to her advanced age).One of the essences which 'came through' for her during the attunement was a flower called Ligularia. Thisworks on perforated eardrums and balance, particularly when these are connected to trauma. I made up the blend trusting thatspirit knew best, though she hadn't mentioned her hearing as an issue at all. As we made our waydownstairs, a memory flooded back. She exclaimed that NOW she remembered! (Healing often allowsdeep layers of difficult feeling to gently and lovingly release).

Stairway to Hell

The 'forgotten' episode began on the stairs where she'd been caught in a wartime bombing raid, hence theaction of going downstairs had helped the body memory to surface. The force of the blast had thrown herdownstairs and perforated her eardrum. (Something she hadn't mentioned in the session. She'd actuallybeen hard of hearing ever since.) An infection followed the incident and she developed complications to the point that she wasn't expected to live;her sister had come to her hospital bedside to say her goodbyes.As we unravelled and released these long-buried feelings of grief and fear around this memory the ladybecame lighter and more joyful and a whole new way of relating to her sister became possible. She left witha spring in a step and a smile on her face, determined to see her sister as soon as possible.It's never too late to heal!

Essence Blend Suggestions

If these themes are of interest, you may consider Karmic Grief & Trauma or Karmic Relationships or Healing Heartbreak - Return to Love

Personal Blends

Individual flower and crystal essences can also be mixed into a blend for you. If you need guidance or you'd like a personal blend made up, Nikki can attune for the essences most appropriate for your growth and healing.

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