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Personal Essence Message Bundle

Would you like to be clear about the key challenge that you're grappling with right now? This service will answer exactly that question: a single essence message, a transmission and an affirmation.

Many of us feel overwhelmed by life at times and a simple but profound message might be just what you need to course-correct. Rather than look at the whole staircase, this offering just takes you by the hand and helps you take the next step with confidence.

You can order a single essence message and transmission that will show you the most heartfelt issue that's trying to find its way into your awareness. The message may come from anywhere in nature and anywhere in the world. It may be a flower, crystal, butterfly, bird, sea creature or animal.

Whatever comes up will carry the message and vibration that you most need to receive right now.

Not only that - this service will also give you an affirmation to work with every day which will help to keep you on track and remind you of your path.

’Thanks for the recent personal essence message and transmission - it really hit the mark.‘ Jean, Transformational Life Coach, New Zealand

What the bundle includes

  • I will attune to discover a personal message from the universe in the form of an essence. This could be a tree, flower, animal, butterfly, insect, sea creature, mineral, crystal or gem. Whatever it is, it will reflect the knowledge you most need right now about your current situation and growth point. It's about a page in length.
  • The vibration of this essence will then be sent to you as an energy transmission.
  • You'll also receive an affirmation asoociated with this essence.
  • Within five working days you'll be emailed with your personal message and affirmation and confirmation of the transmission. Please check your spam folder if you don't see it within that time frame.
  • If you'd like a regular message, such as monthly, just choose from the discounted multiple options on the paypal button below and email your frequency preference

'Wow Nikki, that was quick! I couldn't understand why I felt brighter this morning after being in a funk for a while, and now I know. And this essence really speaks to me. I do believe that your transmissions sometimes also help with a health issue I have had for some time. With thanks again for all that you do. God bless you.' Lisetta, Devon

'OMG!!!! Spot on!! I felt the energy stirring within me on Friday with my thoughts a mirror to the essence message I now receive. It’s like my consciousness and the message are one' Mel, Health Coach, London

Order your personal essence bundle

Personal Essence Message Bundle
Use drop down menu for options
What is a Transmission?

N.B. All multiple orders need to be completed within 6 months of purchase

'I’m really looking forward to the energy of this essence transmission unfolding. Could feel it over the weekend a little bit and definitely today. It’s really interesting. I would like to share that since receiving the essences my spiritual connection has grown considerably.'. Vivienne, London

'Thank you Nikki.. my goodness, I felt that transmission straight away... wow! Obviously needed, and the clearing started immediately, and will be ongoing I know.. Very grateful, thank you.' Sheila, Sound Healer , Devon

Message FAQs

How do essence messages work? How is a message different from personal guidance?
How do multiple messages work? How is a message different from an attunement?
What information do you need? Can I ask for message for someone else?
How soon will I get my message?

How do essence messages work?

I tune into your energy, asking Ascended Master Kuthumi which essence from anywhere in the natural world is most appropriate for you now and email you the response togetherwith essence message and affirmation.

How do discounted multiple messages work?

If you'd like regular messages, such as monthly, you can order multiple messages for yourself to be used within a six month period, or for yourself and others at the same time. This gives you a 10% -20% discount. See messages for others.

What information do you need so that you can tune in for me?

The information required is simply the name and permission of the person wanting a message and their geographical location. So if the message is for you and you're paying online, no further information is necessary, unless you need the message sent to a different email address.

It's not necessary to send details of your current situation - guidance is not done mentally so detailed information is not required - the answers come from a place where all is known.

How soon will I get my message?

Orders for this service will be processed within five working days of receipt. You'll only be contacted if there is a delay.

How does an essence message differ from personal essence guidance?

  • Guidance is restricted to a pre-prepared blend from the four Spirit of Transformation essence ranges on this site - an essence message can come from anywhere in the natural world
  • An essence message includes a transmission and an affirmation - guidance can be ordered with a bottle or as a transmission and contains no affirmation.

How does an essence message differ from a personal attunement?

A personal attunement (both standard and De Luxe) includes:
  • A blend of a minimum of six essences from anywhere in the world so it's not restricted to essences on this website. Sometimes essences come through for you that I've never heard of!
A De Luxe Attunement also includes:
  • A personal affirmation to bring you into alignment with your next step.
  • An analysis of your chakras and energy flow.
  • A power animal to support you with specific issues.
  • An angelic being whom you can call upon to assist you.
  • A written summary of the attunement themes with practical suggestions how you can best support your growth.

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Can I ask for an essence message for someone else?

Yes, provided that you have their permission and can supply their email address, as the message will be sent directly to them. There is an email link on the 'thank you' page which appears when you finish ordering. Just use that to email details of the person you want the message for or insert their name(s) and location in the 'instructions to seller' box when ordering.

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What if I want this service and other services or products too?

You're welcome to order other products or services at the same time by adding more to your shopping cart as you browse the site, Use the View Cart button in the left hand menu to check or amend what's in your cart.

'The 'getting unstuck' essence blend was great for me. After years of indecision and confusion, I have finally managed to put up some of my creative work for sale in a website. I'm convinced it was the essences that did it because it was whilst taking them that this finally seemed to come about and it didn't seem too stressful, just felt like the right thing to do. It's still a work in progress but it's a great achievement for me!' Lesley Ann, Richmond

Claim Your Free Soul Flower Reading and Introductory Attunement Discount

To learn more about essences and self development subscribe to our free E-Newsletter using the link above left. You can unsubscribe at any time. New subscribers receive a FREE soul flower reading showing your main life challenges and soul gifts and an introductory personal attunement discount.

'It's not that what we expect is the reality that everyone lives, but that everyone lives the reality of what they expect.' Abraham-Hicks.

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